Este tipo de ejercicio ("cloze") es uno de los que tendrán en el parcial escrito. En cada espacio en blanco va sólo UNA palabra. En muchos casos hay más de una posibilidad para cada espacio en blanco. Todos ellos fueron usados anteriormente en parciales.
Cloze Exercises. Fill in each blank with ONE appropriate word (you can use contractions). Do not use the same word twice.
A. Thirty years ago, Yang Zhifa was just an ordinary Chinese farmer*. He was ......................... in a very poor house. ......................... he is recognized as the man who helped to discover a very ............................ archaeological site. Do you want to know what ....................... ? In March 1974, Zhifa and some other local farmers were ......................... for water. While they ......................... trying to find it, they hit something hard. They accidentally ......................... over 8,000 terracotta soldiers under his land. The soldiers were .......................2,000 years old and had been buried with Emperor Qin, who wanted to take an army with him to his next life. *campesino
B. Do you know how to get inexpensive airline tickets? To fly for .............. money, I have a good suggestion: you .............. buy plane tickets two or three months .............. your trip. The cheapest way to fly is as a courier. In return for delivering a package .............. a company, you .............. get a plane ticket at a quarter of the regular price (or even less if the company .............. someone at the very last minute). Recently, a courier traveled .............. Los Angeles to Tokyo for $100. Of course, .............., with the Internet, you can get many good deals too. In today’s virtual reality, however, you just have to be sure the offers are real and not only virtual!
C. You could say that actress Gwyneth Paltrow is lucky. According to Ms. Paltrow, her opportunity came ...................... she was 18 years old. She was at a .................... theater with her parents. While they .................... waiting in line* to buy some .................... , she noticed that Steven Spielberg was .................... in line. She was just going to .................... when he came over to her and ....................: “Hey, I would like to .................... you a favor. Would you play Wendy in the movie Hook?” “Sure”, she answered, and so she got her first movie role.
*fila, cola
D. Would you really like to visit Buenos Aires for an exotic vacation? Then, you ................follow my advice. First, bring your camera. You ought ................take pictures so you can show ........... to your friends when you ................home. If you like ................, there are many restaurants here where you can ................that. I think you are going to like this city, although it’s true that there is too much ................and there are too many ................ But I suppose that happens in every big city in the world.
E. When you visit another country, you cannot assume that their rules will be like the ones in your own country. In some parts of the world people are not ...............................to write graffitti on the walls and they ...............................leave a public restroom without flushing the toilette. You ...............................know all these things or you...............................get into trouble! Some suggestions are good also: you ought ........................take a camera (that is easy nowadays, when most people....................one in their cell phones!) and you’d......................get comfortable shoes because the best way to ............. a country is by walking and walking! Another tip: remember to review your English book (whether you like it or not, it’s still the language of the world!)
F. My friends say I’m a technophile because I’m really into computers and technology. For example, I use my computer to ................................ groceries or clothes. I like ......................... to music from my MP3, MP4 or cellphone. If you are trying to find me, ...............................sure
to leave me a message somewhere, and I ................................possibly receive it immediately because I’m always connected to something! You ................................do the same if you want to be part of the 21st century. But of course, I don’t mind ................................to people face to face, and (believe it or not) I still write letters to my grandparents sometimes!
CLOZE EXERCISES. ANSWER KEY. (Separadas por barras están las que tienen diferentes posibilidades. Si tu opción es diferente, consultar).
A. Thirty years ago, Yang Zhifa was just an ordinary Chinese farmer*. He was born / living in a very poor house. Today / Now / Nowadays he is recognized as the man who helped to discover a very IMPORTANT / INTERESTING archaeological site. Do you want to know what HAPPENED? In March 1974, Zhifa and some other local farmers were LOOKING for water. While they WERE trying to find it, they hit something hard. They accidentally FOUND / DISCOVERED over 8,000 terracotta soldiers under his land. The soldiers were OVER / ABOUT / AROUND 2,000 years old and had been buried with Emperor Qin, who wanted to take an army with him to his next life. *campesino
B. Do you know how to get inexpensive airline tickets? To fly for LESS / LITTLE money, I have a good suggestion: you SHOULD / CAN buy plane tickets two or three months BEFORE your trip. The cheapest way to fly is as a courier. In return for delivering a package TO / FOR a company, you CAN get a plane ticket at a quarter of the regular price (or even less if the company NEEDS / WANTS someone at the very last minute). Recently, a courier traveled FROM Los Angeles to Tokyo for $100. Of course, Today / Now / Nowadays, with the Internet, you can get many good deals too. In today’s virtual reality, however, you just have to be sure the offers are real and not only virtual!
C. You could say that actress Gwyneth Paltrow is lucky. According to Ms. Paltrow, her opportunity came WHEN she was 18 years old. She was at a MOVIE / BIG / SMALL, ETC. theater with her parents. While they WERE waiting in line* to buy some CANDY / SODA / POPCORN / NACHOS / HOTDOGS, ETC, she noticed that Steven Spielberg was THERE / ALSO / WAITING in line. She was just going to LEAVE / GO / PAY when he came over to her and SAID / ASKED: “Hey, I would like to ASK you a favor. Would you play Wendy in the movie Hook?” “Sure”, she answered, and so she got her first movie role.
*fila, cola
D. Would you really like to visit Buenos Aires for an exotic vacation? Then, you SHOULD follow my advice. First, bring your camera. You ought TO take pictures so you can show THEM / PHOTOS / SOMETHING to your friends when you GET / ARRIVE / RETURN / GO home. If you like BEEF / PASTA, ETC, there are many restaurants here where you can EAT / HAVE / ENJOY that. I think you are going to like this city, although it’s true that there is too much TRAFFIC / NOISE / POLLUTION / CRIME and there are too many CARS / PEOPLE / ROBBERIES / THEFTS. But I suppose that happens if every big city in the world.
E. When you visit another country, you cannot assume that their rules will be like the ones in your own country. In some parts of the world people are not ALLOWED to write graffitti on the walls and they CAN’T leave a public restroom without flushing the toilette. You SHOULD / MUST know all these things or you CAN / MAY / MIGHT / WILL get into trouble! Some suggestions are good also: you ought TO take a camera (that is easy nowadays, when most people HAVE / CARRY one in their cell phones!) and you’d BETTER get comfortable shoes because the best way to SEE / KNOW / VISIT a country is by walking and walking! Another tip: remember to review your English book (whether you like it or not, it’s still the language of the world!)
F. My friends say I’m a technophile because I’m really into computers and technology. For example, I use my computer to ORDER / BUY / PURCHASE groceries or clothes. I like LISTENING to music from my MP3, MP4 or cellphone. If you are trying to find me, MAKE / BE sure to leave me a message somewhere, and I MAY / MIGHT / WILL possibly receive it immediately because I’m always connected to something! You SHOULD do the same if you want to be part of the 21st century. But of course, I don’t mind TALKING to people face to face, and (believe it or not) I still write letters to my grandparents sometimes!
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