domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010


Material elaborado por la Prof. Viviana Giménez ©
En Unit 5, se comparan dos futuros: BE GOING TO and WILL.

Mirá los siguientes ejemplos:

1.Next month I’m going to travel to the beach with some friends.

2.Next month? I don’t know...Maybe I’ll work around the house. I probably won’t have much money to travel. I guess I’ll just stay home.

3.Are you inviting me to go with you to the beach? Great! I’ll take my new bathing suit!

¿Cuál es el uso del tiempo futuro en cada caso?
En el primero, parece que el hablante tiene un plan. También podría haberlo expresado con Present Continuous (que puede usarse para futuro): “Next month I’m traveling to the beach with some friends” (el referente temporal, “next month”, dejaría aclarado que el uso de Present Continuous es para una acción futura, no para una acción que está ocurriendo ahora.
En el ejemplo 2, el hablante no está seguro de sus planes para el futuro. Entonces opta por usar “will”. Pero no es sólo el uso de “will” lo que indica que todavía no ha tomado una decisión con respecto a esas acciones futuras: ese “will” está acompañado por frases o palabras que indica poca certeza (“I don’t know”, “maybe”, “probably”, “I guess”).
En el ejemplo 3, en la última oración, el hablante toma una decisión repentina (“sudden decision”), en ese momento. Por eso el uso de “will”. Entonces, además del uso explicado en el libro (Grammar Focus, p.31), está este otro (“sudden decision”; decisión del momento), que se ve ejemplificado en el diálogo de p.30 cuando Nancy dice “I’ll bring my surfoard”. También se ve este uso en el diálogo de p.22, cuando Steve y Kathy piden platos en un restaurante (“I’ll have a small order of the snails, please”). Y en Unit 6, cuando en el diálogo de p.36 Jason decide hacer lo que su padre le pide (“Ok, I’ll turn it down”).

Future: Predictions

En Unit 9, cuando se comparan pasados, presentes y futuros, vemos los ejemplos de futuro similares a los siguientes:

Soon, people will drive electric cars.
In ten years, people are going to exercise less.
In the future, they might build cities in space.

Cualquiera de estas tres formas nos sirven para hacer predicciones acerca del futuro. En el último ejemplo, parece haber un poquito menos de certeza que en los primeros dos.

Reported Speech

Finalmente, en Unit 16, vimos que la información que en un diálogo esté en futuro, podría pasar a las siguientes formas en Reported Speech (discurso indirecto, o sea, contar el diálogo a otro).

“I will be very busy all week”, said Mike.
Mike said (that) he would be busy all week.

“I am going to work on my project tomorrow”, said Martin.
Martin said (that) he was going to work on his project tomorrow.

“They are having dinner with their parents tonight”, said Liz.
Liz said (that) they were having dinner with their parents tonight.

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010


Resumen gramatical: USOS DEL PASADO

Material elaborado por la Prof. Viviana Giménez ©
Estos resúmenes apuntan a resumir y ejemplificar puntos gramaticales que se encuentran en Interchange 2.


En cursos anteriores, ya habían visto el pasado del verbo TO BE (was-were, el único con formas del pasado), de verbos regulares (-ED) y algunos irregulares (take-took; come-came; eat-ate, etc; o sea, la segunda columna). Aquí, en Unit 1, se repasan esas formas (ps. 1-4), y se agrega otra forma de expresar pasado: USED TO + INFINITIVE.
Para tratar de entenderla, primero pensá cómo se diría esto en castellano:

I went to Mar del Plata.

En nuestro idioma, esta oración podría traducirse como “Iba a Mar del Plata” o “Fui a Mar del Plata”. Habría que ver en qué contexto está para saber si se trata de una acción habitual en el pasado, o de una vez. ¿Qué pasaría, en cambio, si se dijera de esta manera?

I used to go to Mar del Plata.

En el ejemplo anterior, la habitualidad de la acción se vería en el contexto. Habría que aclarar: “I went to Mar del Plata every summer”, por ejemplo. En cambio, si usamos “used to” ya estamos dando la idea de acción habitual en el pasado, sin agregar nada más. Sería como decir “Iba a Mar del Plata” o “Solía ir a Mar del Plata”.

NOTA: recordar que used to + infinitive se usa sólo para acción habitual en el pasado. No puede usarse en presente para decir “Suelo ir a Mar del Plata”, por ejemplo. Entonces, ¿cómo se diría eso en inglés?

Exactamente. Se diría, por ejemplo, “I usually go to Mar del Plata”. Usaríamos un adverbio de frecuencia (usually) para reforzar esa idea de acción habitual en presente (y digo “reforzar” porque ya el Simple Present me indica que la acción es habitual).

USED TO, entonces, funciona como cualquier otro verbo regular en el pasado, en el sentido que, si tengo que hacer una pregunta, será:
Did you use to play with dolls when you were a little girl?
Y en negativo:
I didn’t use to go away on vacations when I was a kid.

NOTA: es decir, se usaría “use” y no “used” en presencia de “did” (auxiliar de pregunta y negación).


Normalmente decimos que usamos SIMPLE PAST para acciones terminadas en el pasado, en un tiempo terminado en el pasado. Sin embargo...¿qué pasa en el siguiente ejemplo?

I don’t like my house. I wish I lived in a more convenient place.

Vimos que usamos “wish” para expresar un deseo. Puede traducirse como el verbo “desear”, aunque aquí sería más bien un “ojalá”. El ejemplo de arriba nos habla de una disconformidad con la casa, y un deseo de un lugar más conveniente (en el sentido de “cómodo”):

“No me gusta mi casa. Ojalá viviera en un lugar más cómodo”.

Se expresa un deseo acerca de una situación actual. Pero como es justamente eso (un deseo), lo expresamos con wish+simple past. La estructura es wish+sujeto+simple past.

I wish I had a better job. (Ojalá tuviera un trabajo mejor)
I wish life were easier*. (Ojalá la vida fuera más fácil).

*Vimos que, si con esta estructura, tuviéramos que usar el pasado de TO BE, esa forma sería WERE para todas las personas.

Tener en cuenta también que usamos esta estructura para hablar de deseos en el presente, y no de lo que nos gustaría hacer en un futuro. Por ejemplo, no diríamos

I wish I got a good job when I graduate.


I would like to get a good job when I graduate.


Andy: Have you ever eaten at Rodizio’s?
Jess: Yes, I have.
Andy: Did you like it?
Jess: Yes, I did. I went there last month. I ate excellent barbecue and great salads!

¿Por qué usamos Present Perfect en la primera pregunta?

No se pregunta sobre un momento específico. “Ever”, “alguna vez”, es un tiempo abierto, amplio: desde que naciste hasta el momento en que hablamos. En esos casos, utilizamos PRESENT PERFECT en inglés.

¿Por qué Andy cambia el tiempo en su segunda pregunta, y usa SIMPLE PAST?

Como la respuesta a su primera pregunta fue afirmativa, Andy ahora pregunta por esa vez en que Jess fue a ese lugar. Y Jess responde sobre esa vez “last month”, el mes pasado. Jess está hablando sobre esas acciones terminadas en un tiempo pasado determinado (y terminado): “went”, “ate”.


En esta unidad, en la que se compara el uso de pasados, presentes y futuros, nos concentramos en indicadores temporales. ¿Qué quiere decir esto? Hay palabras o frases que nos indican el tiempo. En cuanto al pasado, hay indicadores de un tiempo pasado terminado; y por eso necesitamos SIMPLE PAST. Por ejemplo:

A few years ago (hace unos años): cualquier cantidad de años, usada con “ago”, nos va a indicar un tiempo pasado y terminado. Es decir, podría ser necesario un uso de SIMPLE PAST (podría haber algún caso en que se usara PAST CONTINUOUS –pasado al fin-, pero a eso volveremos luego).
Before ( “before the automobile”, “before the Internet”, “before there were supermarkets), etc.): Antes. O “antes de...”, nos va a indicar que la acción es pasada.
In the past
O alguna referencia a un tiempo anterior. Por ejemplo: When we were kids, . . . (lo que siga estará en pasado, si empiezo diciendo: “Cuando éramos chicos....”).


Vimos que los dos pasados del verbo TO BE son: WAS (pasado de AM, IS), WERE (pasado de ARE). En Unit 11, lo vemos acompañado del verbo de la tercera columna (PAST PARTICIPLE). ¿Qué es eso? Passive Voice. ¿Por qué?
Fijate en los ejemplos de abajo:

Machu Picchu was built around 1400 A.D.

The Incas built Machu Picchu around 1400 A.D.

Normalmente, el sujeto (suele estar al principio de la oración en inglés) hace la acción expresada por el verbo. ¿Qué hizo Machu Picchu en el primer ejemplo? Nada. Fue construido. Entonces, si no hizo nada, es pasivo. Pero es el sujeto (pasivo) de esa oración, porque el verbo (WAS) concuerda con ese sujeto.
¿Por qué se usa la voz pasiva?
Puede haber varias razones. En el ejemplo de arriba, puede ser que:
- nos interese poner en primer lugar a la obra de la que se está hablando, y no a su autor
- nos parezca evidente que quienes construyeron Machu Picchu son los Incas y por eso nos parece innecesario mencionarlos
- luego mencionemos, pero en un segundo plano (hacia el final), a quienes lo construyeron. En ese caso, usamos “by”+the Incas (lo que en castellano sería “por”+los Incas.
En el segundo ejemplo, The Incas es el sujeto, y como éste realiza la acción del verbo (built), es un sujeto activo (Active Voice). En el caso de estos dos ejemplos, casualmente “build” tiene a “built” como simple past (2da. Columna) y past participle (3era. Columna). Pero no confundir: en ambos casos hablamos de una acción pasada. La única diferencia es el foco que ponemos en la obra (Machu Picchu) o sus constructores (The Incas).


En Unit 12, vemos cómo pueden combinarse SIMPLE PAST y PAST CONTINUOUS (was / were + -ing). Por ejemplo:

Last night I was taking a shower when the phone rang.

While I was preparing dinner yesterday, my husband arrived.

It started to rain this morning when I was leaving for work.

¿Qué diferencia ves en el uso de simple past en comparación con past continuous?
Primero, las similitudes: en ambos casos hablamos de acciones pasadas, en un tiempo pasado. Para el momento en que hablamos, ambas acciones están terminadas. Pero observamos que una acción estaba sucediendo (PAST CONTINUOUS) cuando la otra ocurrió. En la primera (Anoche me duchaba / estaba duchando cuando sonó el teléfono) puede ser inclusive que la acción expresada por el SIMPLE PAST haya interrumpido la acción que se describe en PAST CONTINUOUS. Pero no necesariamente. Tal vez en el segundo ejemplo (Mientras preparaba la cena anoche, llegó mi esposo), la acción de preparar la cena haya continuado. Pero se quiere significar que estaba ocurriendo cuando pasó la acción expresada en SIMPLE PAST.
Como se observa en el tercer ejemplo (Empezó a llover esta mañana cuando salía para el trabajo), no importa en el orden en que se ubique la frase con SIMPLE PAST. Según la importancia que el hablante quiera darle a cada acción, la pondrá primero o después.
No pensar que esta es la única combinación posible. Puede darse también una combinación de dos verbos en PAST CONTINUOUS, si las acciones estaban ocurriendo simultáneamente en el pasado. Por ejemplo:

I was listening to music while I was running around the park.

O puede haber varios verbos en SIMPLE PAST porque se habla de acciones consecutivas:

I got up, I got dressed, I had breakfast and then I went to work.


En Unit 16, vimos SIMPLE PAST en ejemplos como los siguientes:

My mother told me to be home by 7 o’clock.

My doctor said to eat more fruits and vegetables.

My friend asked me to stay calm.

Aquí, en los tres casos, estamos contando lo que otras personas nos pidieron que hiciéramos. Como estamos hablando de cosas que nos dijeron en el pasado, usamos REPORTING VERBS (verbos que nos permiten contar lo que otros dijeron) en SIMPLE PAST:
Tell – told
Say – said
Ask – asked

En los ejemplos de arriba, los únicos verbos que van en pasado son los REPORTING VERBS, ya que estamos contando pedidos que nos hicieron (y a esos pedidos los contamos con INFINITIVE). Pero si hablamos de cosas que otras personas dijeron en presente, al contarlas usando REPORTING VERBS en pasado, esos verbos que en el discurso directo se dijeron en presente, pasarán al pasado. Por ejemplo:

“I am fine”, Sally said.
Sally said (that) she was fine.

“I am working”, Peter said.
Peter told me (that) he was working.

“I go to class every day”, Lisa said.
Lisa said (that) she went to class every day.

“I can speak English really well”, Ruth said.
Ruth said to me (that) she could speak English really well.

Las palabras entre comillas son el discurso directo, es decir, las palabras textuales que Sally, Peter, Lisa y Ruth dijeron. Cuando empezamos la frase con “Sally said”, “Peter said”, etc, contamos lo que dijeron. Si eso que dijeron estaba en presente, lo pasamos al pasado (Simple o Continuous, según el caso) al contarlo si usamos REPORTING VERBS en pasado, como en estos casos.

Common mistakes / Errores comunes

En la siguiente lista verás algunos errores comunes que los alumnos de inglés cometen con los usos de Simple Past que vemos en este nivel. Tratá de corregir los errores. Las respuestas están al final del ejercicio.

1.When I was young, I used to listened to rock music.
2. Now I use to listen to pop music.
3.I didn’t went to the beach in the summer.
4.Did you liked classical music when you were young?
5.I wish wrote better in English.
6.She wish she had a nicer car.
7.My parents wish they have a big house.
8.Have you ever went to the mountain?
9.I have eaten there last night.
10.Before the automobile, people ride bicycles.
11.Last year, I celebrate my birthday in a restaurant.
12. “Avatar” and “Titanic” was directed by James Cameron.
13.Did you were here yesterday?
14.“Rayuela” was wrote by Julio Cortázar.
15.She say not to smoke.
16.He told me he is sick yesterday.
17.He said to me that he come home late.

1.When I was young, I used to listen to rock music.
2.Now I usually listen to pop music.
3.I didn’t go to the beach in the summer.
4.Did you like classical music when you were young?
5.I wish I wrote better in English.
6.She wishes she had a nicer car.
7.My parents wish they had a big house.
8.Have you ever gone to the mountain?
9.I ate there last night.
10.Before the automobile, people rode bicycles.
11.Last year, I celebrated my birthday in a restaurant.
12.“Avatar” and “Titanic” were directed by James Cameron.
13.Were you here yesterday?
14.“Rayuela” was written by Julio Cortázar.
15.She said not to smoke.
16.He told me he was sick yesterday.
17.He said to me that he came home late.

miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

PEARLS OF WISDOM, Extra Work (Optional)


Material elaborado por la Profesora Viviana Giménez ©

A.The following proverbs are “vox populi”. Maybe you’ve heard them before. If you think you know them, try to complete what is missing. Find the answers below.

1.Time is . . .
2.The show must . . .
3.What goes up . . .
4.Business is . . .

B.The following proverbs are similar in Spanish. Think about them. Can you complete these sentences?

1.Lucky at cards, . . .
2. ................. is a lottery.
3.Tomorrow is another ................
4.Opportunity makes................
5.Every man has his...................
6.The customer is always...................

C. According to the text you read in class, people use proverbs to:
a) give advice
b) give a warning
c) teach a lesson
d) express a common truth

What are the uses in the following proverbs? Later, match them with the explanation of their meanings below:

1.Four eyes see more than one.
2.When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
3.If you can’t be good, be careful.
4.Experience is the father of wisdom

A.Two people can help each other to find what they are looking for.
B.Try to exercise caution if you cannot behave.
C.If you are elsewhere, live as they do there.
D.What you know makes you wise.

1.Time is money.
2.The show must go on.
3.What goes up must come down.
4.Business is business.

1.Lucky at cards, unlucky in love.
2. Marriage is a lottery.
3.Tomorrow is another day.
4.Opportunity makes the thief.
5.Every man has his price.
6.The customer is always right.

1.Four eyes see more than one. d / A
2.When in Rome, do as the Romans do. a /C
3.If you can’t be good, be careful. b / B
4.Experience is the father of wisdom c / D

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

CHILD PRODIGIES, Extra practice (optional)


(para los links: si no funcionan, copiar y pegar)

Watch Sarah Chang playing the violin: Presto (Summer) from Vivaldi's Four Seasons

Read this interview with Sarah Chang
and answer the questions. You will find the answers below:

1. Why did Sarah ask her parents for a violin and not a piano for her fourth birthday?
2. How old was Sarah when she realized she was extraordinary talented?
3. Does Sarah like fashion?
4. What does Sarah think about the Internet and music?
5. What’s her biggest frustration?
6. Does Sarah usually read her reviews?
7. When and where was she born?
8. How old was she when she recorded for the first time?

1. Why did Sarah ask her parents for a violin and not a piano for her fourth birthday?
She wanted something she could carry around with her.
2. How old was Sarah when she realized she was extraordinary talented?
At 5, when she auditioned for the Juilliard School of Music in New York City, where everyone else was at least 8 years older than her.
3. Does Sarah like fashion?
She loves fashion.
4. What does Sarah think about the Internet and music?
She thinks the Internet is a threat (amenaza) to music, because it provides instantanous entertainment. For her, it’s much better to go to a concert and have a live sensory experience.
5. What’s her biggest frustration?
She missed a lot of parties when she was a teenager. Her adolescence was a confusing time, because she wasn’t a child prodigy anymore, but she wasn’t an adult either.
6. Does Sarah usually read her reviews?
She rarely reads them.
7. When and where was she born?
She was born in Philadelphia in 1980.
8. How old was she when she recorded for the first time?
She was 9. She became the youngest violinist ever to record


Read this article about Michael Kearney’s life. Then, answer the question below:

What are amazing things mentioned here and not in the text we read in class?


Answers may vary. Some possibilities:

Michael was born in January 18, 1984, in Paterson, (New Jersey, USA)
He was diagnosed with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and his parents decided not to use the offered prescription of Ritalin.
At the age of six months, he said to his pediatrician “I have a left ear infection”.
He finished high-school at age six.
He has diplomas in anthropology, biochemistry and computer science.
His younger sister, Maeghan, is also a child prodigy.
Michael was a contestant on the TV show “Who Wants to be a Millionaire”

At this site, you can have a look at Alexandra Nechita’s paintings. Also, you can read the information to complete the sentences below with the correct numbers (answers below):

1. Her first art exhibit was in . . . , when she was . . . years old.
2. She has painted more than . . . paintings.
3. At . . . she began working in pen and ink.
4. When she was . . . , she started using watercolors.
5. At . . . she was using oils and acrylics.
6. She has sold for over . . . dollars.
7. At . . . , she was compared to Picasso and Matisse.


1. Her first art exhibit was in 1994, when she was 8 years old.
2. She has painted more than 300 paintings.
3. At 2 she began working in pen and ink.
4. When she was 5 , she started using watercolors.
5. At 7 she was using oils and acrylics.
6. She has sold for over 1 million dollars.
7. At 12, she was compared to Picasso and Matisse.

sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2010

The Magic of Harry Potter, Extra Work (Optional)

Harry Potter’s creator, J.K.Rowling
This exercise has been made by Prof. Viviana Giménez ©

Watch the video segment (3:14) and do the Multiple Choice below. At the bottom of the page you will find the answers. (si no funciona, copiar y pegar link)

1. What is J.K.Rowling’s first name?
a. Joanne
b. Joanna
c. Josephine
2. Just down the road from where she lived as a child, there was a
a. boy named Harry
b. family named Potter
c. school named Hogwart
3. Her family later moved near ....................., where she used to take long walks by herself.
a. the beach
b. a park
c. a forest
4. When she was a child, she had
a. no friends
b. few friends
c. many friends
5. When she graduated from college
a. she had many jobs
b. she started working as a writer
c. she had no job
6. There was only one thing she really wanted to do: be
a. a teacher
b. a writer
c. an artist
7. She had the idea for Harry Potter while she was
a. traveling by train
b. sleeping
c. at work
8. At that moment, she had no paper or pen, so
a. she forgot about the original idea
b. she memorized everything
c. borrowed paper and a pen
9. She started writing
a. the next day
b. the next year
c. that same night
10. In her head, she had
a. the first book
b. the first two books
c. all seven books in the series
11. There was someone’s death that made a great impact in her writing:
a. her sister’s
b. her mother’s
c. a friend’s
12. After her divorce, she had no money and wrote
a. in a park
b. on the street
c. in a café
13. At first, ............. publishers rejected (=didn’t accept) her manuscript
a. 2
b. 12
c. 20
14. Finally, they offered her
a. $400
b. $4,000
c. $40,000
15. And they said to her she was
a. going to make a fortune writing children’s books
b. not going to make money writing children’s books
c. it was difficult to say if there was any money in children’s books


1. What is J.K.Rowling’s first name?
a. Joanne
2. Just down the road from where she lived as a child, there was a
b. family named Potter
3. Her family later moved near ....................., where she used to take long walks by herself.
c. a forest
4. When she was a child, she had
b. few friends
5. When she graduated from college
a. she had many jobs
6. There was only one thing she really wanted to do: be
b. a writer
7. She had the idea for Harry Potter while she was
a. traveling by train
8. At that moment, she had no paper or pen, so
b. she memorized everything
9. She started writing
c. that same night
10. In her head, she had
c. all seven books in the series
11. There was someone’s death that made a great impact in her writing:
b. her mother’s
12. After her divorce, she had no money and wrote
c. in a café
13. At first, ............. publishers rejected (=didn’t accept) her manuscript
b. 12
14. Finally, they offered her
b. $4,000
15. And they said to her she was
b. not going to make money writing children’s books

Workbook Answers, Unit 14

lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

TENSES. Complete with the right tense.

Este es un tipo de ejercicio que tendrán en el parcial escrito. Fueron usados en parciales anteriores. Tienen las respuestas abajo para hacerlos solos y verificar si están bien. Si tienen dudas, pregunten en clase.

TENSES: Put the verbs in the correct tense

A. My favorite holiday today …………................(be) New Year’s Eve. …………............... (you-ever-celebrate) it with a big family like mine? When I …………...............(be) a child, I ……… (hate) those big family reunions, but nowadays I really …………...............(enjoy) them. Of course, twenty years ago we …………...............(have) some family members around the table that we…………...............(not-have) today. But since then some new members …………......... (arrive) and soon many others…………...............(come) because several of my cousins ………
(expect) a baby at the moment.

B. …………………..(you-ever-see) a car accident? Listen to this: yesterday I ……………
(walk) down the street when suddenly I …………………..(see) a terrible crash. I …………… (be) the only person there at the time but I …………………..(not-call) the police.
What …………….. (you-do) if you …………………..(be) in a similar situation?

C. …………................(you-ever/be) to the mountain? I …………................(go) to the Patagonia last year and I …………................(have) the chance to go hiking and trekking. It …………...... (be) a marvellous experience! Now I …………................(have) tickets to go there again this Winter vacation: I …………................(buy) them for July 15th and I think I …………................(stay) in a hotel, but I …………................(not – have) any reservations, although it …………... (be) a time of the year when many people…………................(go) there.

C. My neighborhood ................. (look) very different twenty years ago. Before there ...............(be) a shopping mall, people .................(come) to this area to shop for fruits and vegetables in a big market across the street from where I .................(live) now. In the last two years, they................. (build) lots of new high apartment buildings and today many new people....................(move) to this neighborhood. When I .................(buy) this apartment here last year, I .................... (not-know) that the neighborhood .................(change) so rapidly. Next year, if I .................(have) more money, I .................(probably – get) another apartment around here. ..........................
(you-ever-be) to my neighborhood, the Abasto?

D. I ................................(never-be) to Europe, but my brother Pedro, who ........................... (work) in Madrid now, ................................(get) me a ticket last week to visit him next month. This ................................(be) my first time there and my first experience traveling alone. Maybe he ................................ (have - not) time to visit places with me because of work. But I think I ...........................(enjoy) myself a lot anyway. Last summer I just ................................ (stay) home all summer and ................................ (take) classes: I ................................ (not-do) anything fun. ................................(I – tell) you that I ............................... (study) at Kennedy University? Probably I ............................. (graduate) at the end of this year.

E. I ................................(never-visit) New York. It sounds strange because I ........................... (work) in New Jersey two years ago (very near the Big Apple). But next month I ........................ (go), finally! My company ................................(buy) me a ticket because there ............................ (be) an important congress there. I think I ...........................(love) this trip because I .................. (always / enjoy) traveling. ................................ (you-ever-be) to the United States? Yes? What................................ (you-do) there? ................................(tell) me what places to visit in New York. Then, maybe I............................... (send) you a postcard. And for sure I ................... (bring) a present for you.


A. My favorite holiday today is (be) New Year’s Eve. Have you ever celebrated(you-ever-celebrate) it with a big family like mine? When I was (be) a child, I hated / used to hate (hate) those big family reunions, but nowadays I really enjoy (enjoy) them. Of course, twenty years ago we had (have) some family members around the table that we don’t have (not-have) today. But since then some new members have arrived (arrive) and soon many others will come / are going to come (come) because several of my cousins are expecting (expect) a baby at the moment.

B. Have you ever seen (you-ever-see) a car accident? Listen to this: yesterday I was walking
(walk) down the street when suddenly I saw (see) a terrible crash. I was (be) the only person there at the time but I did not call (not-call) the police.
What would you do (you-do) if you were (be) in a similar situation?

C. Have you ever been (you-ever/be) to the mountain? I went (go) to the Patagonia last year and I had (have) the chance to go hiking and trekking. It was (be) a marvellous experience! Now I have (have) tickets to go there again this Winter vacation: I bought (buy) them for July 15th and I think I will stay (stay) in a hotel, but I don’t have (not – have) any reservations, although it is (be) a time of the year when many people go (go) there.

D. My neighborhood looked / used to look (look) very different twenty years ago. Before there was (be) a shopping mall, people came/used to come (come) to this area to shop for fruits and vegetables in a big market across the street from where I live/am living (live) now. In the last two years, they have built (build) lots of new high apartment buildings and today many new people move/are moving (move) to this neighborhood. When I bought (buy) this apartment here last year, I didn’t know (not-know) that the neighborhood was changing/had changed (change) so rapidly. Next year, if I have (have) more money, I will probably get (probably – get) another apartment around here. Have you ever been (you-ever-be) to my neighborhood, the Abasto?

E. I have never been (never-be) to Europe, but my brother Pedro, who works/is working (work) in Madrid now, got (get) me a ticket last week to visit him next month. This will be / is going to be (be) my first time there and my first experience traveling alone. Maybe he will not have / won’t have (have - not) time to visit places with me because of work. But I think I will enjoy (enjoy) myself a lot anyway. Last summer I just stayed (stay) home all summer and took (take) classes: I didn’t do (not-do) anything fun. Have I told / did I tell (I – tell) you that I study (study) at Kennedy University? Probably I will graduate (graduate) at the end of this year.

F. I have never visited (never-visit) New York. It sounds strange because I worked (work) in New Jersey two years ago (very near the Big Apple). But next month I am going to go / will go (go), finally! My company bought / has bought / will buy / is going to buy (buy) me a ticket because there will be / is going to be (be) an important congress there. I think I will love (love) this trip because I always enjoy / have always enjoyed (always / enjoy) traveling. Have you ever been (you-ever-be) to the United States? Yes? What did you do (you-do) there? Tell (tell) me what places to visit in New York. Then, maybe I will send (send) you a postcard. And for sure I will bring / am going to bring (bring) a present for you.


Este tipo de ejercicio ("cloze") es uno de los que tendrán en el parcial escrito. En cada espacio en blanco va sólo UNA palabra. En muchos casos hay más de una posibilidad para cada espacio en blanco. Todos ellos fueron usados anteriormente en parciales.

Cloze Exercises. Fill in each blank with ONE appropriate word (you can use contractions). Do not use the same word twice.

A. Thirty years ago, Yang Zhifa was just an ordinary Chinese farmer*. He was ......................... in a very poor house. ......................... he is recognized as the man who helped to discover a very ............................ archaeological site. Do you want to know what ....................... ? In March 1974, Zhifa and some other local farmers were ......................... for water. While they ......................... trying to find it, they hit something hard. They accidentally ......................... over 8,000 terracotta soldiers under his land. The soldiers were .......................2,000 years old and had been buried with Emperor Qin, who wanted to take an army with him to his next life. *campesino

B. Do you know how to get inexpensive airline tickets? To fly for .............. money, I have a good suggestion: you .............. buy plane tickets two or three months .............. your trip. The cheapest way to fly is as a courier. In return for delivering a package .............. a company, you .............. get a plane ticket at a quarter of the regular price (or even less if the company .............. someone at the very last minute). Recently, a courier traveled .............. Los Angeles to Tokyo for $100. Of course, .............., with the Internet, you can get many good deals too. In today’s virtual reality, however, you just have to be sure the offers are real and not only virtual!

C. You could say that actress Gwyneth Paltrow is lucky. According to Ms. Paltrow, her opportunity came ...................... she was 18 years old. She was at a .................... theater with her parents. While they .................... waiting in line* to buy some .................... , she noticed that Steven Spielberg was .................... in line. She was just going to .................... when he came over to her and ....................: “Hey, I would like to .................... you a favor. Would you play Wendy in the movie Hook?” “Sure”, she answered, and so she got her first movie role.
*fila, cola

D. Would you really like to visit Buenos Aires for an exotic vacation? Then, you ................follow my advice. First, bring your camera. You ought ................take pictures so you can show ........... to your friends when you ................home. If you like ................, there are many restaurants here where you can ................that. I think you are going to like this city, although it’s true that there is too much ................and there are too many ................ But I suppose that happens in every big city in the world.

E. When you visit another country, you cannot assume that their rules will be like the ones in your own country. In some parts of the world people are not write graffitti on the walls and they ...............................leave a public restroom without flushing the toilette. You ...............................know all these things or you...............................get into trouble! Some suggestions are good also: you ought ........................take a camera (that is easy nowadays, when most in their cell phones!) and you’d......................get comfortable shoes because the best way to ............. a country is by walking and walking! Another tip: remember to review your English book (whether you like it or not, it’s still the language of the world!)

F. My friends say I’m a technophile because I’m really into computers and technology. For example, I use my computer to ................................ groceries or clothes. I like ......................... to music from my MP3, MP4 or cellphone. If you are trying to find me, ...............................sure
to leave me a message somewhere, and I ................................possibly receive it immediately because I’m always connected to something! You the same if you want to be part of the 21st century. But of course, I don’t mind people face to face, and (believe it or not) I still write letters to my grandparents sometimes!

CLOZE EXERCISES.  ANSWER KEY. (Separadas por barras están las que tienen diferentes posibilidades. Si tu opción es diferente, consultar).

A. Thirty years ago, Yang Zhifa was just an ordinary Chinese farmer*.  He was born / living in a very poor house.  Today / Now / Nowadays he is recognized as the man who helped to discover a very IMPORTANT / INTERESTING archaeological site.  Do you want to know what HAPPENED?  In March 1974, Zhifa and some other local farmers were LOOKING for water.  While they WERE trying to find it, they hit something hard.  They accidentally FOUND / DISCOVERED over 8,000 terracotta soldiers under his land.  The soldiers were OVER / ABOUT / AROUND 2,000 years old and had been buried with Emperor Qin, who wanted to take an army with him to his next life.      *campesino

B. Do you know how to get inexpensive airline tickets?  To fly for LESS / LITTLE money, I have a good suggestion: you SHOULD / CAN buy plane tickets two or three months BEFORE your trip.  The cheapest way to fly is as a courier. In return for delivering a package TO / FOR a company, you CAN get a plane ticket at a quarter of the regular price (or even less if the company NEEDS / WANTS someone at the very last minute).  Recently, a courier traveled FROM Los Angeles to Tokyo for $100.  Of course, Today / Now / Nowadays, with the Internet, you can get many good deals too.  In today’s virtual reality, however, you just have to be sure the offers are real and not only virtual!

C. You could say that actress Gwyneth Paltrow is lucky.  According to Ms. Paltrow, her opportunity came WHEN she was 18 years old.  She was at a MOVIE / BIG / SMALL, ETC. theater with her parents.  While they WERE waiting in line* to buy some CANDY / SODA / POPCORN / NACHOS / HOTDOGS, ETC, she noticed that Steven Spielberg was THERE / ALSO / WAITING in line.  She was just going to LEAVE / GO / PAY when he came over to her and SAID / ASKED: “Hey, I would like to ASK you a favor.  Would you play Wendy in the movie Hook?” “Sure”, she answered, and so she got her first movie role.
*fila, cola

D. Would you really like to visit Buenos Aires for an exotic vacation? Then, you SHOULD follow my advice. First, bring your camera.  You ought TO take pictures so you can show THEM / PHOTOS / SOMETHING to your friends when you GET / ARRIVE / RETURN / GO home.  If you like BEEF / PASTA, ETC, there are many restaurants here where you can EAT / HAVE / ENJOY that.  I think you are going to like this city, although it’s true that there is too much TRAFFIC / NOISE / POLLUTION / CRIME and there are too many CARS / PEOPLE / ROBBERIES / THEFTS. But I suppose that happens if every big city in the world.

E. When you visit another country, you cannot assume that their rules will be like the ones in your own country.  In some parts of the world people are not ALLOWED to write graffitti on the walls and they CAN’T leave a public restroom without flushing the toilette.  You SHOULD / MUST know all these things or you CAN / MAY / MIGHT / WILL get into trouble! Some suggestions are good also: you ought TO take a camera (that is easy nowadays, when most people HAVE / CARRY one in their cell phones!) and you’d BETTER get comfortable shoes because the best way to SEE / KNOW / VISIT a country is by walking and walking! Another tip: remember to review your English book (whether you like it or not, it’s still the language of the world!)

F. My friends say I’m a technophile because I’m really into computers and technology.  For example, I use my computer to ORDER / BUY / PURCHASE groceries or clothes.  I like LISTENING to music from my MP3, MP4 or cellphone.  If you are trying to find me, MAKE / BE sure to leave me a message somewhere, and I MAY / MIGHT / WILL possibly receive it immediately because I’m always connected to something! You SHOULD do the same if you want to be part of the 21st century.  But of course, I don’t mind TALKING to people face to face, and (believe it or not) I still write letters to my grandparents sometimes!

jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010

A Guide To Unusual Museums. Extra Practice (Optional)

Are the following sentences talking about the Kimchi Museum (Seoul, Korea)? The Museum of Gold (Bogotá, Colombia)? The Chocolate Museum (Cologne, Germany)?
Check your answers below. Also, you have interesting links to learn more about these unusual museums.

1.This is the museum for beauty-lovers.
2.At the gift shop, you can try different types of this vegetable.
3.This museum was founded 24 years ago.
4.This museum is located in Europe.
5.If you take pictures here, you don’t need a flash.
6.Here you can learn about a very important ingredient in the life of people in this part of Asia.
7.If you like sweet things, this is the right museum for you.
8.Not every object in this museum is made of the same metal.
9.This museum is also a factory.


The Kimchi Museum (Seoul, Korea)

3.This museum was founded 24 years ago.
6.Here you can learn about a very important ingredient in the life of people in this part of Asia.
2.At the gift shop, you can try different types of this vegetable.

The Museum of Gold (Bogotá, Colombia)

1.This is the museum for beauty-lovers.
5.If you take pictures here, you don’t need a flash.
8.Not every object in this museum is made of the same metal.

The Chocolate Museum (Cologne, Germany)

4.This museum is located in Europe.
9.This museum is also a factory.
7.If you like sweet things, this is the right museum for you.

Workbook Answers, Unit 12

viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

Find the job that's right for you! Extra Practice (Optional)

Reading 12 – Unit 10: Find the Job That’s Right for You! (p.69)
Material elaborado por la Prof. Viviana Giménez ©

A. These ideas are in the article, but expressed with different words. Find them (each sentence here is equivalent to one or more sentences in the article). Then, put them in order to have a summary (resumen) of the article.

…… Later Liz discovered she was the Artistic type.
…… Psychologist John Holland believes that there are six types of personalities.
…… Half of the people in America don’t like their jobs.
…… Liz likes her present job very much.
…… Liz thought she wanted to be a school counselor or a lawyer.
…… According to your personality type, there are jobs that will make you happy and jobs that you will hate.
…… If you know what kind of personality you have, it will be easier to choose the right job for you.
…… Liz took film classes and now produces TV programs for kids.
…… Liz didn’t enjoy her counseling and law classes.
…… If you don’t want to have the same problem, try to think carefully about what kind of person you are.

B. Match: Read about Personality types in the article. Then, match the following types of personalities with their descriptions.

1. The Realistic type
2. The Investigative type
3. The Artistic type
4. The Social type
5. The Enterprising type
6. The Conventional type

a. Is an extrovert and a leader
b. Has a friendly personality and enjoys teaching
c. Is analytical and loves problem-solving.
d. Enjoys working with machines
e. Is methodic and likes routines
f. Has a lot of imagination and loves to create art




Workbook Answers, Unit 11

viernes, 3 de septiembre de 2010

Cover Letter, more vocabulary

Cover Letter Exercise

Are you in love? Extra Practice (Optional)

Material elaborado por la Prof. Viviana Giménez ©

The following are the main ideas of the paragraphs that start and end as indicated below. Match the ideas with the corresponding paragraphs from the reading.

a. You speak to the person (face to face or on the phone), whenever you need to (or you make excuses when you don’t need to).
b. After some time, things change. Maybe you don’t talk about the person you love, or you don’t call him / her so much. However, this person is very important to you now.
c. You are in love, but how can you stay in love?
d. You like things that you didn’t like before.
e. These are some symptoms of falling in love.
f. Although you think love has come to your life, you are confused because in the past you thought it was love but it was just a strong attraction.
g. You can be honest with the person you stay in love with. At the beginning, you didn’t feel comfortable just being yourself, but now you know this person accepts you.
h. You talk about the person all the time, even when it’s not relevant to mention him / her.

1.“You think you’re falling....this time?”
2.“Here’s what our love”
3.“You’ll find yourself talking....there’s not.”
4.“You’ll find yourself bringing...last week”.
5.“You might suddenly...sports announcer”.
6.“OK, so you’ve . . . in love?”
7.“If you stay in love, your life”.
8.“You’ll find that you you are”.


1.“You think you’re falling....this time?”. f. Although you think love has come to your life, you are confused because in the past you thought it was love but it was just a strong attraction.

2.“Here’s what our love” e. These are some symptoms of falling in love.

3.“You’ll find yourself talking....there’s not.” a. You speak to the person (face to face or on the phone), whenever you need to (or you make excuses when you don’t need to).

4.“You’ll find yourself bringing...last week”. h. You talk about the person all the time, even when it’s not relevant to mention him / her.

5.“You might suddenly...sports announcer”. d.You like things that you didn’t like before.

6.“OK, so you’ve . . . in love?” c.You are in love, but how can you stay in love?

7.“If you stay in love, your life”. b.After some time, things change. Maybe you don’t talk about the person you love, or you don’t call him / her so much. However, this person is very important to you now.

8.“You’ll find that you you are”. g.You can be honest with the person you stay in love with. At the beginning, you didn’t feel comfortable just being yourself, but now you know this person accepts you.

jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010

Unique Customs, Extra Practice (Optional)

Reading-Comprehension Exercises

Material elaborado por la Prof. Viviana Giménez ©

A. Match the custom with the celebration.

1. St. Anthony’s Day.
2. Chusok
3. The festival of Rakhi
4. New Year’s Eve in Argentina
5. Setsubun

a. Familes get together for a big meal.
b. Men promise loyalty to women; women give men a bracelet.
c. Family members throw dried beans around the house and then they pick them up and eat one for each year of their age.
d. People bring their animals to church, dressed up in flowers and ribbons.
e. Families honor their ancestors by going to the cemeteries, taking food and cleaning gravesites.

B. Something in each sentences is wrong. Correct the mistakes in the following statements.

1. On St. Anthony’s day, people ask for protection for their family.
2. Chusok is also known as Korean Christmas.
3. Indian women give men a ring in exchange for a promise to be loyal to them.
4. Argentine families meet on New Year’s Eve for lunch.
5. Setsubun celebrates the end of someone’s childhood.


A. Match the custom with the celebration.

1.St. Anthony’s Day. People bring their animals to church, dressed up in flowers and ribbons.
2.Chusok. Families honor their ancestors by going to the cemeteries, taking food and cleaning gravesites.
3.The festival of Rakhi. Men promise loyalty to women; women give men a bracelet.
4.New Year’s Eve in Argentina. Familes get together for a big meal.
5.Setsubun. Family members throw dried beans around the house and then they pick them up and eat one for each year of the age.

B. Something in each sentences is wrong. Correct the mistakes in the following statements.

1.On St. Anthony’s day, people ask for protection for their animals.
2.Chusok is also known as Korean Thanksgiving.
3.Indian women give men a bracelet in exchange for a promise to be loyal to them.
4.Argentine families meet on New Year’s Eve for a big meal in the evening (so, it’s dinner).
5.Setsubun celebrates the end of winter.

Check out the following links to know more about these unique customs:
St.Anthony's Day in Mexico
San Antón en España, con un imperdible: la "Santa Meada" de un perrito en la provincia de Santa Fé, que sigue sin inmutar a la iglesia
The Rakhi Festival

miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

A Day In Your Life In The Year 2020, Extra practice (Optional)

Find sentences with similar meaning in the text. Then, put them together to make a summary of the reading.

A robot prepares healthy food for you.
At your home office, you have what you need to work.
In the past, life was more predictable.
In the past, you sometimes went to a fast food restaurant.
It’s not necessary to take the bus, train or subway to go to work.
Nowadays you have a machine that tells you what food is good for you.
This is the future, according to experts.
Today, life changes fast, so the future is more unpredictable.
You are not paying attention while driving, but now that’s not a problem.
Your computerized car can drive you home.
You have access to a list of movies on your tv screen; it’s not necessary to leave your home to rent a movie.
You have paid for them through your bank account.
You program your computer to read messages in your language.
You shopped for groceries by computer, and they are home already.


In the past, life was more predictable (People used to know more or less how their children would live). Today, life changes fast, so the future is more unpredictable.
This is the future, according to experts (Now things are changing so quickly that we don’t even know what our own lives will be like in a few years).
You are not paying attention while driving, but now that’s not a problem (You’re daydreaming behind the wheel of your car, but that’s OK). Your computerized car can drive you home (You have it on automatic pilot, and with its high-tech computers, your car knows how to get you home safely).
You shopped for groceries by computer, and they are home already (You ordered groceries by computer an hour ago, and they’ve been delivered). You have paid for them through your bank account (The money was automatically deducted from your bank account).
In the past, you sometimes went to a fast food restaurant (In the old days, you used to stop off to get a hamburger or pizza). Nowadays you have a machine that tells you what food is good for you (Now you can use your diagnostic machine to find out which foods your body needs). A robot prepares healthy food for you (Your food-preparation machine makes you a salad).
At your home office, you have what you need to work (At your home office, you have everything you need to do your work). It’s not necessary to take the bus, train or subway to go to work (You never have to commute to work anymore).
You program your computer to read messages in your language (You set your computer to translate Portuguese into English).
You have access to a list of movies on your tv screen; it’s not necessary to leave your home to rent a movie (You turn on the television and look through the list of new movies. It’s like having a video store in your home).

Workbook Answers, Unit 9

miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

Workbook Answers, Unit 7

Neighbor vs. Neighbor, Extra Practice (Optional)

© Material elaborado por la Prof. Viviana Giménez

A. What complaints are logical for the following problems?

1. The woman in the apartment upstairs plays her piano after midnight.
2. The family across the street never cleans up their yard. The garbage blows into your yard.
3. The guy next door always parks his car in front of your driveway.

a. My neighbors are so dirty!
b. I can’t sleep with that music all night!
c. How do I get my car out of my garage now??!!

B. What are possible answers for the following questions?

1. Have things like this ever happened to you?
2. Who are these people?
3. Why are they doing these things to me?

a. They are my enemies!
b. They want to irritate me!
c. Yes, I’ve had problems with neighbors many times!

C. Match the paragraphs that have these beginnings and endings with the most important idea below:

1. These days, ...deliberately.
2. Believe it or not, . . . . with them first.
3. When you approach..., suggest it.
4. If talking doesn’t..., the situation.
5. Finally, ...your neighbor’s way.

a. Discuss the problem you have with your neighbor in a nice way. You can say or do something friendly. Offer solutions.
b. In the end, if nothing works, it’s better to stay away –maybe even move out!
c. Do not do anything extreme: maybe your neighbors are not doing that on purpose.
d. Today, we don’t really know our neighbors; so, problems appear very easily when you don’t say hi or don’t know the other person’s name.


1.The woman in the apartment upstairs plays her piano after midnight. b. I can’t sleep with that music all night!
2.The family across the street never cleans up their yard. The garbage blows into your yard. a. My neighbors are so dirty!
3.The guy next door always parks his car in front of your driveway. c. How do I get my car out of my garage now??!!
1.Have things like this ever happened to you? c. Yes, I’ve had problems with neighbors many times!
2.Who are these people? a. They are my enemies!
3.Why are they doing these things to me? b. They want to irritate me!
1.These days, ...deliberately. d.Today, we don’t really know our neighbors; so, problems appear very easily when you don’t say hi or don’t know the other person’s name.
2.Believe it or not, . . . . with them first. c.Do not do anything extreme: maybe your neighbors are not doing that on purpose.
3.When you approach..., suggest it. a.Discuss the problem you have with your neighbor in a nice way. You can say or do something friendly. Offer solutions.
4.If talking doesn’t..., the situation.
5.Finally, ...your neighbor’s way. b.In the end, if nothing works, it’s better to stay away –maybe even move out!

(the link below is in Spanish, from Clarín, but I thought it's interesting and related to this topic!)

sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010

Workbook answers, Unit 6



(Ejercicios realizados por la Prof. Viviana Giménez ©)
(Answers below)

A. What words are connected with how to dress comfortably(1)? What words are connected with how to pack your equipment well (2)?

Block the wind
Heaviest items close to your back
Keep you dry
Keep you warm
Light layers of clothing
Protect you from the sun
Put on
Take off

B. What are good examples of clothes that can block the wind?

A jacket
A T-shirt
A windbreaker

C. What are good examples of clothes that can keep you dry?

A sweater
A raincoat
A jacket

D. What are good examples of clothes that can keep you warm?

A sweater
A T-shirt
A coat

E. What are good examples of things that can protect you from the sun?

Sunscreen lotion
A hat
A swimsuit
A cap
An umbrella

F. What are good examples of light layers of clothing?

A t-shirt, a shirt and a sweater
One big sweater
A shirt, a sweater, a windbreaker

Access (2)
Balance (2)
Block the wind (1)
Food (2)
Heaviest items close to your back (2)
Keep you dry (1)
Keep you warm (1)
Light layers of clothing (1)
Protect you from the sun (1)
Put on (1)
Take off (1)
Water (2)

A jacket
A windbreaker

A raincoat
A jacket

A sweater
A coat

Sunscreen lotion
A hat
A cap
An umbrella

A t-shirt, a shirt and a sweater
A shirt, a sweater, a windbreaker

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

Food and Mood, Extra Practice (Optional)


A. Yes or No? Answer the following questions only with Yes or No.

Do we often eat because we are calm or happy?
Does food change our brain chemistry?
Do these changes influence our mood?
Are there foods that can make us feel better?
Are there foods that can make us feel worse?
Do nutrition experts say that food doesn’t affect the way we feel?

B. The following foods and drinks are here in alphabetical order. Put them in the right place below.
Brazil nut - bread – chicken – chocolate - coffee – lean meat - pasta - rice – seafood – sweet desserts - whole grains


Do we often eat because we are calm or happy? No. The opposite.
Does food change our brain chemistry? Yes.
Do these changes influence our mood? Yes.
Are there foods that can make us feel better? Yes.
Are there foods that can make us feel worse? Yes.
Do nutrition experts say that food doesn’t affect the way we feel? No. The opposite.


GOOD: Bread, rice, pasta.
Reason? High in carbohydrates. They favor the release of serotonin, which makes you feel better.
BAD: Coffee.
Reason? Too much coffee makes even more you anxious and irritable.
GOOD: lean meat, chicken, seafood, whole grains, Brazil nut.
Reason? These foods have a lot of selenium, a mineral that helps you feel more relaxed and happy.
BAD: Chocolate. Sweet desserts.
Reason? They may make you feel good at first, but an hour later you’ll feel worse.

miércoles, 11 de agosto de 2010

BREAK THOSE BAD HABITS, Extra Practice (Optional)

Multiple Choice

1. Some people leave work until the last minute.
a)postpone work as much as possible
b)arrive home early from work
c)try to finish work early
2. A lot of us can’t stop gossiping.
a) talking about our problems
b) sleeping
c) talking about other people
3. Some people always arrive to events late.
a)are always late
b)always leave late
c)are always on time
4. When you “waste your time”
a)you do very productive things
b)you are not productive
c)you make good use of your time
5. End your bad habits for good!
a)for a good reason
b)for a bad reason
6. People often put things off because they seem overwhelming.
a)People work when they have the time
b)People postpone things because the project is too big for them
c)People wait until the last minute
7. Reward yourself with a snack.
a)Eat only healthy food
b)Have something you like
c)Drink something hot
8. You try not to talk about other people, but you can’t help yourself.
a)can’t stop doing that
b)help people
c)help anyone
9. Set an alarm clock.
a)Program an alarm
b)Buy a clock
c)Stop your alarm
10. Set the alarm to go off at the time you need to leave.
a)to stop
b)to ring
c)to continue


1. Some people leave work until the last minute.
a)postpone work as much as possible
2. A lot of us can’t stop gossiping.
c) talking about other people
3. Some people always arrive to events late.
a)are always late
4. When you “waste your time”
b)you are not productive
5. End your bad habits for good!
6. People often put things off because they seem overwhelming.
b)People postpone things because the project is too big for them
7. Reward yourself with a snack.
b) Have something you like
8. You try not to talk about other people, but you can’t help yourself.
a)can’t stop doing that
9. Set an alarm clock.
a)Program an alarm
10. Set the alarm to go off at the time you need to leave.
b)to ring

miércoles, 4 de agosto de 2010

Composition Practice (Connectors)

Prof. Viviana Giménez ©

A. Use these words to connect the sentences below: although – also – however – on the one hand / on the other hand – therefore (=so) – because – for example – in fact – in order to –

1. I will go to Bariloche next winter. I have never been there before.
2. I don’t have enough money for a vacation. I will go on vacation next month.
3. She’s too young to drive. She’s not 18 years old.
4. I need an international driver’s license. I need to drive there.
5. I will pack a windbreaker. I will pack my hiking boots.
6. Bariloche is expensive. It is the only place where I would like to go.
7. There are many places where you can go skiing in Argentina. You can go to Bariloche. You can go to Mendoza. You can go to San Martín de los Andes.
8. I have many exames to take. I will go on vacation.
9. I am going to work hard and save money. I can take a long trip to Europe.

B. This is an example of a composition with questions you can use as a guide.

Composition: “What are your plans for your next vacation?”

Questions: 1. What are you going to do this summer? 2. Where are you going to go? 3. Have you ever been there before? 4. If you were there before, what did you do then? If you were not, why did you choose this place? 5. What are some things you are going to pack for this trip? 6. What are some of the things you think you will probably do there?

Answers: 1. This summer I want to relax at the beach. 2. I am not going to go to Mar del plata. It’s too noisy and crowded. I am going to go to Mar Azul. 3. I visited that place. I was in Villa Gessel last year. 4. I just spent a couple of hours at the beach that day. 5. I am going to take my surfboard. I love surfing. 6. I will probably get up early in the morning. I will go for a long walk on the beach. I will sunbathe. I will have lunch in a quiet restaurant. I will go home for a siesta. It will be a lot of fun.

But, do you have a composition here? What do you need to have a composition?

C. Rearrange this material and make the necessary corrections: you can add, remove or change words and punctuation.

D. Now, you use the questions to write your own composition. Total number of words: a minimum of 100.

CONNECTORS: You can use this list as a reference

- Addition: and – also – besides – furthermore – moreover – in addition – apart from -
- Contrast: but – however – nevertheless – still – on (one) the other hand
- Result: so - therefore – thus – as a result - consequently
- Condition: although – even though – though – in spite of / despite (the fact that) –
- Time, chronological order (to show sequence):– first – then - next – after that - afterwards - finally – later – when – currently (=now) - nowadays
- Reason: because – as - since
- Examples.: for example – for instance
- Emphasis: in fact
- Purpose: in order to
- To summarize: in short – to sum up

martes, 3 de agosto de 2010

Nicole Kidman: New Hollywood Royalty. Extra Practice (Optional)


(Ejercicios realizados por la Prof. Viviana Giménez ©) 

A. Look at this list of words. Find synonyms in the reading. The synonyms are in this order.

Started to be interested in
Very early
When she was an adolescent
A person’s first notable success
Suspense movie

B.Multiple Choice
1.Following a whirlwind romance, Kidman and Cruise were married.
a) quick and passionate
b) long and boring
c) slow and conventional
2.During the marriage, Kidman’s career continued to grow.
a) stopped for some time
b) became more and more important
c) definitely stopped
3.Unfortunately, the marriage didn’t last.
a) didn’t continue in time
b) didn’t finish
c) wasn’t bad
4.After the divorce, Kidman threw herself into her work.
a) worked full time
b) worked part-time
c) didn’t work for some time
5.She starred in a number of high-profile movies.
a) had a minor role
b) received prizes
c) was the star
6.“Fame is a fleeting moment”, said Nicole Kidman.
a) short
b) medium-length
c) long

Then: At the time
Started to be interested in: Became interested in
Very early: Early on
Show: Pageant
Studied: Trained in
When she was an adolescent: Through her teen years
Obtained: Got
A person’s first notable success: Breakthrough
Scary: Creepy
Suspense movie: Thriller
Acting: Performance
Protagonist: Lead role

B. Multiple Choice

1. Following a whirlwind romance, Kidman and Cruise were married.
a) quick and passionate
2. During the marriage, Kidman’s career continued to grow.
b) became more and more important
3. Unfortunately, the marriage didn’t last.
a)didn’t continue in time
4. After the divorce, Kidman threw herself into her work.
a)worked full time
5.She starred in a number of high-profile movies.
c)was the star
6.“Fame is a fleeting moment”, said Nicole Kidman.

jueves, 22 de julio de 2010


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